Clinics and Transports

Friends of Columbus Animal Care Services provides transport to cats and dogs from Bartholomew County to various clinics in southern and central Indiana who provide high-quality low-cost spay neuter services to domestic and feral cats and dogs. We do this in an effort to reduce unwanted pet overpopulation in our county and promote animal health and safety in the community.

Transports generally occur twice each month. These transports start and end at the Columbus Animal Care Services Center at 2730 Arnold Street.

Please note that when you complete this application, you are entering the wait list for these services. Waits are currently 2-4 months long for female cats and dogs. Large dogs may wait up to 4-6 months long after applying. You must respond back promptly when told we are ready to schedule your pet.

Should you need services more quickly, we recommend the following services:

Low-Cost Spay Neuter Services offers transport from Scipio and Greensburg, call 317-675-0072 to schedule

Pets Alive Spay/Neuter Clinic in Bloomington: or by calling 812-349-1349

Your local veterinarian

Animal Care Services

2730 Arnold Street
Columbus, IN 47203
(812) 376-2505
TDD: Call 711
Contact Us

After Hours Call
(812) 379-1689 to have an Animal Control Officer paged.

Our Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon

Closed on Thursdays, Sundays and Holidays