The Columbus Human Rights Commission Staff & Commissioners
The Human Rights Department has a total of three (3) staff members with an office located on the first floor of City Hall. We welcome the opportunity to speak to you or your organization about community education, outreach, or individual technical assistance.

Panelists from the 2019 Human Rights Commission Annual Dinner
Aida Ramirez is a Northwest Indiana native who joined the Commission in 2013 as Deputy Director before being promoted to Director the following year. Aida received her Doctor of Jurisprudence from the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law in Indianapolis and obtained undergraduate and graduate degrees at Purdue University in West Lafayette.
Prior to moving to Columbus and joining the Commission, Aida worked with the Marion County Circuit Court to increase access to justice in the Marion County Small Claims Courts by implementing the 2012 Indiana Court of Appeals Task Force Recommendations. Specific objectives were increasing access to justice for Limited-English Proficient persons and those with physical and hearing impairments, decreasing barriers to participation in the pro se litigant process by providing draft uniform court forms and a litigant manual explaining the process and making it available to the public online, and providing technical assistance and guidance in drafting local Marion County Small Claims Rules aimed at achieving these objectives and increasing transparency in the courts.
Department Staff – Organizational Chart (PDF)
Aida Ramírez, J.D.
Human Rights Director
Phone: 812.376.2532
Erica Schmidt, MPA
Human Rights Deputy Director
Phone: 812.376.2532
Erika Smith
Human Rights Office Manager
Phone: 812.376.2532
Human Rights Commission
Name | Term | Expires | Appointed By |
Mike Champlin* | 3 Years | 3/31/26 | City Council |
Deanne Annandale | 3 Years | 3/31/27 | City Council |
Joy Basa-King | 3 Years | 3/31/26 | City Council |
Sondra Bolte | 3 Years | 3/31/25 | City Council |
Tyler Davis | 3 years | 3/31/26 | City Council |
Richard Gold | 3 Years | 3/31/25 | City Council |
Kenna Huber | 3 Years | 3/31/27 | City Council |
Joseph Joyner | 3 Years | 3/31/27 | City Council |
Amanda Roggow | 3 years | 3/31/26 | City Council |
Matt Souza | 3 Years | 3/31/25 | City Council |
Graciela Spencer | 1 Years | 3/31/25 | City Council |
Department Attorney: Mary Stroh, Assistant City Attorney
City Council Liaison: Frank Miller
Location: The meetings are held in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
**In order to take necessary COVID-19 precautions and keep in compliance with Open Door Law (ODL) meetings are being held in the Council Chambers located in City Hall and virtually via WebEx with phone access until further notice. Members of the public who will participate electronically and wish to submit questions or comments can do so via e-mail to**
The monthly Human Rights Commission meetings are held on the last Wednesday of the month, with the exception of November and December due to the holidays.
2024/2025 Officers
Chairpersons – Mike Champlin
Vice-Chairperson – Richard Gold
Secretary – Sondra Bolte
Treasurer – Amanda Roggow
Human Rights
123 Washington Street
Columbus, IN 47201
(812) 376-2532
Fax: (812) 375-2752
Relay Indiana
Contact Us
City Hall Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(812) 376-2500
TDD: Call 711