Alley Paving
Call the City Garage at 376-2508
Building Code Requirements & Building Permits
Call Bartholomew County Technical Code Enforcement at 379-1535
Electrician Licensing
Call Bartholomew County Technical Code Enforcement at 379-1535
Illegal Dumping or Discharge
Call City Engineering Office at 376-2540
Call the City Garage at 376-2508
Report a sight distance problem
Call the City Traffic Department at 376-2518
Report Stormwater pollution
Call the City Engineering Office at 376-2540
Sewer problems
For example – your sanitary sewer line is backed up.
Call City Utilities 372-8861
Sidewalks & Curbs
Sidewalks and curbs are the property owner’s responsibility according to Columbus City Code.
We do have a Shared Cost Sidewalk and Curb (SCSC) Program that can help offset some of the cost for sidewalk and curb replacement.
However funding is limited, so apply early.
Call the City Engineering Office at 376-2540
Snow Removal
Call the City Garage at 376-2508
Traffic Signal Problems
Call the City of Columbus Traffic Department at 376-2518 for local traffic signals.
Call the Indiana Department of Transportation at 855 INDOT4U (855-463-6848) for state roads, like National Road/US31, Jonathan Moore Pike/SR 46.
Or contact INDOT online to report a concern, make a request, or find an answer.
123 Washington Street
Columbus, Indiana 47201
(812) 376-2540
TDD: Call 711
Fax: (812) 376-2564
Contact Us
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.