Aviation Board

NameTermExpiresAppointed By
Brad Davis 4 Years12/31/26Mayor
Mark Pillar *4 Years12/31/27Mayor
Lisa Prentiss4 Years12/31/25Mayor
Doug Van Klompenburg 4 Years12/31/27Mayor
Alfred Tucker4 Years12/31/28Mayor
The Board of Aviation Commission (BOAC) is a five member board charged with the management and oversight of the Columbus Municipal Airport. The BOAC is tasked with providing a safe, hospitable, self-sustaining general aviation airport which complements the character of its community while meeting the needs of the aviation community, local citizens, businesses and visitors. The BOAC pursues environmentally compatible projects which will provide for economic growth and potential long-term development of the airport and the surrounding community while delivering commercial and general aviation services to the flying public.

Meet: 2nd Tuesday, 4:00 p.m., Wendall Ross Conference Room at Columbus Airport
City Council Liaison: Tom Dell
Attorney - Mary Stroh

Board of Commissioners of the Columbus Housing Authority

NameTermExpiresAppointed By:
Michael Schoumacher4 Years12/31/27Mayor
Graziella Bush4 Years12/31/24Mayor
Eric Frey *4 Years12/31/27Mayor
Open4 Years12/31/27Mayor
Carrie Kruse4 Years12/31/25Mayor
Open (Resident Commissioner)4 Years12/31/24Mayor
Avril Schutte4 Years12/31/25Mayor
The Board of Commissioners for the Columbus Housing Authority is appointed in accordance with state housing law in Indiana by the Mayor of the City. They serve in capacity as the governing officers of a public-corporate entity of low-income housing programs. Their role includes providing leadership and advocacy, establishing policies, directing how the Authority does business and ensuring the CHA is successful in its mission. The CHA has a seven member board, including one tenant representative.

Meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 3:30 p.m. at City Hall

Attorney - Grant Tucker
City Council Liaison: Grace Kestler
*Denotes Chairperson of Board/Commission

Board of Public Works and Safety

NameTermExpiresAppointed By:
Mary Ferdon4 Years12/31/2027Mayor
Eric Frey4 Years12/31/2027Mayor
Brenda Sullivan4 Years12/31/2027Mayor
Melanie Henderson4 Years12/31/2027Mayor
John Pickett4 Years12/31/2027Mayor
The executive branch of the City is the Public Works & Safety Board. Such board shall be the chief administrative body of the city and shall have the power and responsibilities granted by applicable state law, including control of the day-to-day operations of the following executive departments, which are established: Police department; Fire department; Engineering department, which shall be composed as follows: Streets (traffic and highway) and sanitation, Transit (bus), and Animal Care Services.

Meets every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. in City Hall Council Chambers

View Meeting Minutes

Attorney - Alex Whitted

Board of Zoning Appeals

NameTermExpiresAppointed By
Hillary Maple4 Years12/31/26Mayor
Michael Kinder4 Years12/31/25Mayor
Barry Kastner (Alternate)4 Years12/31/24Mayor
Grant Hale4 Years12/31/25Mayor
Charles Doup4 Years12/31/26City Council
Sondra Bolte (Alternate)4 years12/31/26City Council
Zack Ellison2 Years12/31/24Plan Commission
Evan Kleinhenz (Alternate)2 Years12/31/24Plan Commission
Open (Alternate)4 Years12/31/24Mayor
Open (Alternate)4 years12/31/26Mayor
Attorney - Alex Whitted

Meet: 4th Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., City Hall Council Chambers
City Council Liaison: Tom Dell

Columbus Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO)

NameTermExpiresAppointed By
Dennis BauteN/AN/ACity Plan Commission
Tony LondonN/AN/ACounty Commissioner
William LentzN/AN/ACounty Council
Jim LienhoopN/AN/AMayor
Tom Finke*N/AN/ACounty Plan Commission
Steven MinorN/AN/AINDOT - Seymour Dist.
Angelica SalgadoN/AN/AFTA -Chicago Office
Tom DellN/AN/ACity Council
Attorney - Alex Whitted
City Council Liaison: Tom Dell

City Council

1Chris Bartelscbartels@columbus.in.gov
2Elaine Hilber ehilber@columbus.in.gov
3Jerone Woodjwood@columbus.in.gov
4Frank Miller*fmiller@columbus.in.gov
5Kent Andersonkanderson@columbus.in.gov
6Jay Foystjfoyst@columbus.in.gov
At-LargeJosh Burnettjburnett@columbus.in.gov
At-LargeTom Dell tdell@columbus.in.gov
At-LargeGrace Kestler gkestler@columbus.in.gov
Meet 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers
Attorney - Jeff Rocker
* Denotes President

Commons Board

NameTermExpiresAppointed By
Sherry Stark N/APermanentISMF
Tracy Souza*4 Years12/31/27Appointed By Mayor BOW Approval
Josh Burnett4 Years12/31/27City Council
Erin Hawkins4 Years12/31/25City Council
Kevin Earnest4 Years12/31/25Appointed By Mayor BOW Approval
Mary Harmon4 Years12/31/25Appointed By Mayor BOW Approval
Kevina SchumakerN/APermanentISMF
Meets Quarterly; 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays
Attorney: Austin Whitted
City Council Liaison: Josh Burnett
*Denotes President

Community Police Review Board

NameTermExpiresAppointed By
Ric King *3 Years12/31/24Mayor
Rajesh Thyagarajan3 Years12/31/25Mayor
Open3 Years12/31/25Mayor
Monica Salazar3 years12/31/26Mayor
Michael Tinsley3 Years12/31/27Mayor
Pastor Fred King3 Years12/31/26Mayor
Zachary Romero3 Years12/31/26Police - Ex Officio
Attorney - Mary Stroh
City Council Liaison: Jay Foyst
Meet: Quarterly
*Denotes Chairperson of Board/Commission City Council

Fire Department Pension Board

NameTermExpiresAppointed By
Andy LayN/AN/AEx-Officio
Cory Hampton2 Years2/10/23Elected
Jarrad Mullis4 Years2/10/25Elected
Jeff Otte4 Years2/10/24Elected
Ben Spencer4 Years2/10/26Elected
Eric Robertson2 Years2/10/23Elected
Attorney - Alan Whitted
Meet: As Needed
City Council Liaison: Jerone Wood
Board Secretary - Brian Baily

Parks and Recreation Board

NameTermExpiresAppointed By
Dave Bush4 Years12/31/26Mayor
Brian Wilson4 Years12/31/27Mayor
Miriam Portaluppi4 Years12/31/28Mayor
Chaz Smith4 Years12/31/27Mayor
Attorney - Michael P. DeArmitt
Meet: 2nd Thursday, 4:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall
City Council Liaison: Josh Burnett
*Denotes Chairperson of Board/Commission

Police Department Pension Board

NameTermExpiresAppointed By
Mary Ferdon4 Years12/31/27Ex-Officio
Steve Norman4 Years12/31/27Ex-Officio
Regina McIntyre4 Years12/31/27Ex-Officio
Oakel Hardy3 Years2/1/25Elected
Oscar Olmeda3 Years2/1/26Elected
Kelly Holley3 Years2/1/27Elected
Greg Ross3 Years2/1/25Elected
Brian Wilder3 Years2/1/27Elected
Jennifer VanVactor3 Years2/1/26Elected
Meet: As Needed
City Council Liaison: Jerone Wood
*Denotes Chairperson of Board/Commission

Substance Abuse Public Funding Board

NameTermExpiresAppointed By
Mary Ferdon4 Years12/31/27Mayor
Josh Burnett4 Years12/31/27City Council
Carl Lienhoop4 Years12/31/23County Commissioners
Mark Gorbett4 Years12/31/23County Council
Jim Bickelno termN/ACRH Board of Trustees

SWMD (County)

NameTermExpiresAppointed By
Mary Ferdon4 Years12/31/27Ex-Officio
Larry Kleinhenz1 Year12/31/25Liaison
Tony London1 Year12/31/25Liaison
Frank Miller *1 Year12/31/25Liaison & Chairperson
Carl Lienhoop 1 Year12/31/25Liaison
Ohmer Miller1 Year12/31/24Co. Commissioners
Jorge Morales1 Year12/31/24County Council
Meet: 1/25, 3/28, 5/23, 6/27, 7/25, 9/26, 11/21 - 8:30 a.m. in County Council Chambers
City Council Liaison: Frank Miller

Utility Board

NameTermExpiresAppointed By
Patrick Andrews 4 Years12/31/25MayorVice Chairman
David Spear4 Years12/31/27Mayor
Cheryl McAvoy 4 Years12/31/26MayorSecretary
Clayton Force *4 Years12/31/25City CouncilChairman
Barry W. Turner 4 Years12/31/26City Council
Attorney: Stan Gamso
City Council Liaison: Elaine Hilber
Meet: 3rd Thursday, 11:30 a.m. at Utility Office


City Hall


123 Washington Street
Columbus, Indiana 47201
(812) 376-2500
TDD: Call 711
Fax: (812) 376-2564
Contact Us

Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.