The City of Columbus is offering Columbus INvigorate, a loan program for small businesses impacted by the outbreak of COVID-19.
This program is created to serve for-profit businesses located in Columbus, Indiana.
- Gross receipts less than $2 million per year
- Fewer than 50 employees (full-time and part-time)
- Businesses that show a decline in revenue in 2020, due to COVID-19
- In business as of January 1, 2020
This loan program is designed to provide working capital or bridge financing for three months.
- Loan Amount – $5,000-$25,000
- Terms:
- 1% interest
- 6 month interest-free payment deferral
- 36 month term (equal payments)
- Waive collateral
- Personal guaranty
- Use of the funds for ordinary and necessary business expenses, but not debt consolidation
Second round deadline September 30, 2020
- Applications are to be submitted to ARa by September 30, 2020 close of business (4:30 p.m.).
- Applications will be considered on a first come, first served basis as long as funds are available. Time and date of submission will be noted.
- Applications will be reviewed and turned around in 5 business days after the September 30 filing deadline.
- Scanned and e-mail applications as well as digital signatures will be accepted.
- If loans are approved, funds will be electronically deposited in the applicant’s business bank account within 3 business days after execution of loan closing documents
- The business will commit to remain open or reopen and retaining stipulated number of employees.
- Loan payments to be set up as ACH electronic payments to ARa
Loan approval decisions will be based on the ability of the business to demonstrate that a loan is necessary, that the loan will have a positive impact on employment, that the business was viable before the public health crisis and that the business can repay the loan. If the business has received and is still making payments on a previous small business loan from the City of Columbus, that business may be considered if funding is available and if the other conditions were met. Previous applicants to the Columbus INvigorate program can apply for additional funding if needed but the cumulative amount received cannot exceed $25,000.
Priority will be given to the following:
- Higher credit scores
- Financial capacity to return to or continue operations
- Demonstrated financial need
- Retention of employees
- Business in the hospitality or retail industries
- Located in the Central TIF District
Questions about Columbus INvigorate be directed to:
Eric A. Frey, II, Executive Director, Administrative Resources association
748 Franklin Street
Columbus, IN 47201
Email: ericfrey@aracities.org
Fax: (812) 376-8857
Cell: (812) 376-9949
La cuidad de Columbus está ofreciendo Columbus INvigorate, un programa de préstamos para pequeñas empresas impactadas por el brote de COVID-19.
Empresas con fines de lucro ubicadas en Columbus, Indiana
- Ingresos brutos de menos de $2 milliones por año
- Menos de 50 empleados (a tiempo completo y a tiempo parcial)
- Empresas que muestran una disminución en los ingresos en 2020, debido a COVID-19
- En operaciones a partir del 1 de enero de 2020
Programa de préstamos para proporcionar capital de trabajo o financiamiento por tres meses
- Cantidad de préstamo – $5,000-$25,000
- Términos:
- 1% de interes
- 6 meses de aplazamiento de pago sin intereses
- Plazo de 26 meses (pagos iguales)
- Renuncia colateral
- Garantía personal
- Uso de fondos para gastos ordinarios y necesarios, pero no para la consolidación de deuda
Estos fondos son provistos a la Asociación de Recursos administrativos (ARa) por la ciudad de Columbus para prestar a las empresas afectadas.
- Programa de préstamos creado originalmente como ayuda ante desastres después del desastre de las inundaciones de 2008
- Programa modificado para compensar la interrupción del negocio creado por el brote de COVID-19
- Financiamiento proveniente de una variedad de fuentes:
- Desarollo económonico de la ciudad de Columbus (EDIT)
- Fondo general de la ciudad de Columbus (reservas)
- Comisión de reurbanización de la ciudad de Columbus (reservas)
- El reembolso del préstamo se realizará a ARa
- ARa acumulará reembolsos y los reenviará a las fuentes mencionadas trimenstralmente, a pro taza
Fecha límite primera ronda 30 de septiembre de 2020
- Las solicitudes deben enviarse a ARa antes del 30 de septiembre de 2020, al cierre de operaciones (4:30 de la tarde).
- Las solicitudes se considerarán por orden de llegada, siempre que haya fondos disponibles haci que la fecha y tiempo van en cuenta.
- Las solicitudes serán revisadas y entregadas en 5 días hábiles después de la fecha límite de presentación del 30 de septiembre.
- Se aceptarán aplicaciones escaneadas y de correo electrónico, así como firmas digitales.
- Si se aprueban los préstamos, los fondos se depositarán electrónicamente en la cuenta bancaria comercial.
- El negocio se comprometerá a permanecer abierto o reabrir y retener el número estipulado de empleados.
- Los pagos de préstamos se configurarán como pagos electrónicos ACH a ARa.
City Hall
123 Washington Street
Columbus, Indiana 47201
(812) 376-2500
TDD: Call 711
Fax: (812) 376-2564
Contact Us
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.