Registration is now open for the 4th Annual Moonlight Loop Evening Bicycle Ride.  The Moonlight Loop is a police-led, evening bicycle ride of 19 miles around Columbus, Indiana, to benefit Columbus Animal Care Services (CACS).  The ride will take place on Saturday, August 5, 2017 at 9.p.m, starting and finishing at the Bartholomew County Library Plaza.

Volunteers are needed to assist with the event.  Volunteers receive a free t-shirt and gratitude for helping the animals. Individuals interested in volunteering may call 812-376-2505.

All Moonlight Loop funds generated through this event are used to support the agency’s Adoption Medical Fund which covers spaying and neutering costs, pet care services, veterinarian treatment for pets housed at the facility, medical requirements for transports, and pet food as well as promotion of adoptions and educational programs.  Funds generated from this event have allowed the agency to achieve their highest save rates to date for both dogs and cats.

Entry fees are $25 through July 22, $30 through Thursday, August 3 and $35 event day.  Riders are required to wear a helmet and have their bicycle equipped with both a headlight and taillight.  While the ride is police-led and assisted, the roads are not closed to traffic and all rules of the road are enforced.  Riders should be able to ride at a pace of at least 10 mph. Due to liability, riders must be 16 years old to ride their own bicycle.

Don’t have a bike or want to avoid the hassle of transporting your bike?  We have teamed up with the Columbus Park Foundation and columbike, Columbus’ Bikeshare Program, to offer you the convenience of renting a bike for the Moonlight Loop ride.  Reserve your bike by emailing by August 2 and they will have it ready for you at the start of the ride.  Discounted rates for the rental will apply.

To register, for more information, or to see the route of the ride so you can come out, light up your house and cheer on the riders, visit or stop by the Animal Care Services Center between 10:00 am -5:00 pm  Monday through Friday and 10:00 am -12:00 noon on Saturday.

The Animal Care Services Department is operated by city tax dollars and through fines/fees and monetary donations.  However, the general operating budget only covers basic services including wages, utilities and maintenance of both the facility and vehicles. The Adoption/Medical fund does not use tax dollars and is supported by fines, fees and monetary donations.  Our budget relies heavily on monetary and in-kind donations by the public that allows us to stretch our dollars further than otherwise possible.   Donations made to CACS are considered tax-deductible as Animal Care Services is a department within the City of Columbus, a political subdivision of the State of Indiana, and all donations will be used solely for public purposes.

City Hall


123 Washington Street
Columbus, Indiana 47201
(812) 376-2500
TDD: Call 711
Fax: (812) 376-2564
Contact Us

Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.