Columbus Mayor Jim Lienhoop is pleased to announce the formation of the City of Columbus Bicentennial Commission. The team is charged with organizing the commemoration of the City’s bicentennial in 2021 in ways that best fit and honor our past residents, current residents, businesses, guests, and all who have been touched by the City of Columbus.

Preparing for this historical anniversary presents a variety of opportunities which will foster unity and pride by involving community members through events, history, education, arts and entertainment.

Honorary Bicentennial Chairs are Jim Henderson, Pam Lienhoop, and Sherry Stark.  The Executive Committee will be chaired by Mayor Jim Lienhoop.  Appointments to this committee include:

  • Jim Roberts – Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation
  • Carl Lienhoop – Bartholomew County Commissioner
  • Tyshaun Allen – CAMEO
  • Cindy Frey – Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Jim Bickel – Columbus Regional Health
  • John Burnett – Community Education Coalition
  • Cummins Inc. Representative
  • Celeste Yonushonis – The Heritage Fund of Bartholomew County
  • Claudia Sanchez-Davila – City of Columbus Human Rights Commission
  • Ryan Hou – LHP
  • Karen Niverson – Columbus Area Visitors Center

Diane Doup and Tobi Herron have been selected to co-chair the Bicentennial Steering Committee and will be planning the programming of events, fundraising, special projects, and historical data collection.  Multiple sub-committees will be set up to help with various areas, and we will have many opportunities for residents, neighborhoods, schools, churches, and other organizations to become involved in this historic celebration.

Columbus has a rich and varied history over the past 200 years – and much has been written and celebrated about our industries, architecture, and culture during the past decades.  Recognizing our bicentennial is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about what made our City what it is; we can celebrate the successes and individuals who came before us and learn what could have been done better.  Exploring our history and contributing time and talent to our city now is a wonderful legacy to pass on to our children and those who follow us.  And – we can have fun doing it!


For more information about the Bicentennial Commission and opportunities to get engaged, please visit the City of Columbus website at

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