Below is a summary of several projects that are in various stages of completion. Click on the images below to be directed to that project’s page.
Columbus Downtown 2030 Plan
The City of Columbus seeks an updated downtown strategic development plan that recognizes the recent history of redevelopment, incorporates current initiatives, and provides a clear, comprehensive strategy for continued advancement. Envision Columbus, the most recent strategic plan, was completed in 2018 and remains relevant as we pursue wide-ranging strategies for enhancing our community. Although some solutions provided through Envision were implemented, many were affected by the pandemic. Post-Pandemic, the City of Columbus has placed emphasis on redefining goals for activation, acquisition and placemaking downtown. More recently, focus has been directed to revitalizing our downtown community, especially following employment shifts, property vacancies, and recently launched initiatives to activate downtown spaces.
Downtown Entrance Plaza
The City of Columbus and Columbus Redevelopment Commission have partnered with the Columbus Design Institute to seek design qualifications for the redesign of the Downtown Entrance Plaza, which encompasses the POW/MIA/Law Enforcement Plaza and Robert D. Garton Veterans Plaza. Columbus Design Institute will play a critical role in managing the project, while Redevelopment will support the project funding. The City and Community Development will provide anchored support through the designer selection and ultimately design review process, as well as additional engagement from Downtown Entrance Plaza committees and stakeholders.
2nd Street Thoroughfare Project
One recommendation identified in Envision Columbus Comprehensive Plan was to increase connectivity to the south side of our town to enhance pedestrian safety and experience. The 2nd Street Thoroughfare Project was created in response to a desire to extend the pedestrian-friendly experience downtown. The project will feature several modifications to the existing conditions such as: narrowing the traffic lanes as a traffic calming measure, integrating on-street parking, incorporating safety bumpouts and buffers, creating an on-street connection to the Taylor apartments, installing pedestrian crosswalks, and planting new landscaping.
Riverfront Project
All of the necessary regulatory permits have been received for the Our River… Our Riverfront project! Throughout the course of planning and preparing to implement the Riverfront Project, seeking public and professional input has remained a priority. We realize that this is “our” river and that the future of our community will continue to be tied to innovation and creativity. Having a vibrant Riverfront is not only about the trail redesign, but also considers priority planning to protect our environment, ensure safety in all aspects, and fiscal responsibility. All this is critical while continuing to be mindful of Columbus’ history and legacy of architectural quality and innovation.
Hotel/Conference Center
In 2018, the Bartholomew County Heritage Fund supported an initiative called Envision Columbus to study the needs and potential for future growth in Columbus. That study identified 3 opportunity zones for development; commercial, residential and park systems. The commercial area targeted the 2nd and 3rd Street corridor in downtown Columbus as an area that could be revitalized into a destination that would attract cultural, dining, and entertainment opportunities. Their recommendations included a downtown hotel as well as the addition of a downtown conference center as vital to the growth of the area. Conversations regarding this project are ongoing, as we thoughtfully consider timing, costs, location etc.
Department of Public Works Facility
The Columbus Department of Public Works (DPW) requires a new location to house their functions. The Columbus Redevelopment Commission has purchased property located at 1350 Arcadia Drive with an existing building suitable for continued DPW operations following some redevelopment initiatives.
Washington Street Mixed-Use Development
Developer Flaherty & Collins Properties is pursuing the development of a four- to five-story, mixed-use, multi-family development, including approximately 50 apartments and 10,000 square feet of first-floor commercial space on property located at the northwest corner of 6th Street and Washington Street. The property in reference is currently owned by Cummins Inc. and has served as a vacant lot and greenspace to date.
Walesboro Airport Masterplan
The Walesboro Airport site is on the outskirts of the city in what is now mainly an industrial corridor. It was built in the 1950’s as a response to World War Two and since that time, the site had seen only modest development. The airport property presents both opportunities and challenges due to its location and environmental features, particularly the existing test tracks and floodplain status.
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