Guidelines / Restrictions 

1. Please be advised that City sponsored events have priority. When scheduling conflicts exist, priority will be given to City events. The City (Mayor) reserves the right to override these guidelines and restrictions.

2. A Request for City Hall Meeting Room Use Application and Rental Agreement must be submitted along with a $150 refundable deposit if conditions below are met, including a 24-hour advance notice of cancellation. Payment for rental is due the day of the event by cash or check made payable to the City of Columbus (no credit cards accepted).

3. Acceptable meeting formats are business, educational, civic, cultural, or government related. Personal, private parties and activities are prohibited.

4. Political activities are not allowed in any Columbus City Hall meeting room. Political activities include: any activities in which the purpose is to support or oppose any political party or candidate for public office; and requiring an individual or group to file a campaign financial disclosure or a lobby report under state or federal law.

5. Meetings not sponsored by the City must end by 4:45 pm and attendees must vacate the building no later than 5:00 pm.

6. Meeting room facilities may not be used for promotional purposes including sales, soliciting, fundraising, and/or gambling.

7. Any group using the facilities may not charge an admittance fee.

8. Facilities including kitchen must be left as found; failure to do so will result in the $150 deposit not being refunded.

9. Any damage to facilities or equipment incurred by the user, or anyone invited on his/her behalf, will be the responsibility of the user to restore to the facility staff’s satisfaction and may result in the $150 deposit not being refunded and/or additional charges added.

10. Indiana sales tax will be collected on all rentals. If you are a not-for-profit- 501(c)(3), you must provide a Federal Tax ID number- at the time that the City Hall Meeting Room Use Application and Rental Agreement is submitted.

11. Smoking is prohibited in City Hall by both Indiana State Law and City Ordinance.

12. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on premises without the Board of Public Works and Safety’s approval.

13. The use of open flames or candles in the meeting rooms is prohibited with the exception of Sterno fuel canisters.

14. No activities are allowed that create noise or disturb the normal affairs of City Hall.

Parking – Available in the lot north of 1st Street behind City Hall.

IT Equipment The electronic equipment in the room is not for use with the room reservation unless the renter has been properly trained to use it or if City staff is available. (There may be an additional charge for this use. Request must be made in advance. Please be advised the City may not have all the equipment you need. It is highly recommended you come in prior to date of use for IT needs.)

Food/Food Preparation (Cal Brand Meeting Room/Meeting Hall)

• Food and drink is permitted, but arrangements for delivery are solely the responsibility of the applicant.

• Waste must be placed in trash containers located in the Meeting Hall.

• Leftover food must be removed from the premises immediately following the event. No food is to be left in refrigerator or elsewhere. Please wash and dry dishes, countertops, and tables if necessary.

City Hall


123 Washington Street
Columbus, Indiana 47201
(812) 376-2500
TDD: Call 711
Fax: (812) 376-2564
Contact Us

Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.