Select a department below to make a payment.
Animal Care Services
Animal Care Services – Fees & Fines
Animal Care Services – Donations
Engineering Department- Stormwater Management Application Permit Fee
Stop: Before making a payment, online or by check, a Stormwater Application Number is needed. To obtain the number, please see the Stormwater Management Permitting webpage.
Finance Department
Columbus Fire Department Service Fees
Planning Department (City of Columbus Applications Only)
Stop: Do not make payment on Planning Department application fees until you have received fee and jurisdiction (City of Columbus or Bartholomew County) verification and an application case number from the Department. Please visit the Department’s Applications page for more information (Visit the Applications Page). The assigned application case number must be entered as the “Application Number” on the Credit Card payment form.
Police Department
Parking tickets can also be paid by mail or in-person:
Columbus Police Department
Records Division
123 Washington St
Columbus, IN 47201
Sanitation Department
Purchase a Trash or Yard Waste Toter
New service for trash pick-up requires that service be purchased on the trash toter of your choice as follows: 96 gallon – $80; 64 gallon – $70; or 48 gallon – $65. We can usually deliver your toter by the next business day (no Saturday or Sunday delivery). If you need service on a second trash toter, you will need to purchase service on the second trash toter as stated above. Additionally, service on a second trash toter is subject to a monthly fee as follows: $9/month for 96 gallon; $7/month for 64 gallon; $5/month for 48 gallon. The monthly fee will become part of your Columbus City Utilities bill.
If requested, we will also deliver a recycling toter. There is no charge for service on a 96 gallon recycling toter. We also have recycling toters in other sizes, however you must call the office at 812-376-2508 or 812-376-2509 for additional information.
Note: All City toters must remain with the property.
For more information, visit the Department of Public Works site.
City Hall
123 Washington Street
Columbus, Indiana 47201
(812) 376-2500
TDD: Call 711
Fax: (812) 376-2564
Contact Us
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.