Community Garden Pic

The Columbus Community Garden is located just off Cessna Drive at the Columbus Municipal Airport

Registration for the 2025 garden season will begin in March. Priority will be given to the prior season’s participants, and then will open up to new registrants. Check back then for more information on how to participate. 


2024 Registration Form


Large plot (22.5′ X 45′) – $25
Small plot (22.5′ X 22.5′) – $15
Garden Map


If you have questions, please contact Community Development at or 812-376-2520.


In 1982, the former local philanthropic organization Irwin Sweeney Miller Foundation launched a community garden project in Columbus. The initial purpose was to give city residents that did not have a suitable area for their own garden the opportunity to grow food or to practice amateur gardening. The original location for the Columbus community garden was in the area now occupied by NexusPark on 25th Street.

The city assisted Irwin Sweeney Miller Foundation with the project in 1983. The community garden was moved to Middle Road on Columbus Airport property that year. The following year, 1984, the city of Columbus assumed full management of the community garden project. The garden has remained at the Airport, but has since been moved to its third, and current location off Cessna Drive.

2024 will be the 41st year of the Columbus community garden. The current layout of the garden features 62 large plots (45′ X 22.5′) and 51 small plots (22.5′ X 22.5′). Gardeners rent plots for $25 (large plot) or $15 (small plot) for the season. The project is funded solely by gardener’s rental fees. Community garden receives support from Columbus City Utilities, Columbus Engineer’s Office, City Garage, and the Aviation Board.


Please do not plant trees, invasive plants, or build permanent structures. Do not plant in area(s) outside the confines of your plot(s). Failure to maintain plot(s) will result in their forfeiture.

Pesticides and herbicides are not permitted. Organic products may be used.

All gardeners maintain common areas. Please do not allow vegetation, weeds, etc. to encroach on other gardens or on common areas.

Keep your plot(s) and adjacent pathways free of trash and litter. Respect other’s property and make sure children are supervised at all times.

At the end of the season, it is your responsibility to clean up your plot(s).

Report Water Vendor problems directly to Columbus City Utilities at 372-8861.

Remember, “keep those hands dirty” and if you are able, please plant an extra row for Love Chapel.

Community Development

123 Washington Street
Columbus, Indiana 47201
(812) 376-2500
TDD: Call 711
Fax: (812) 376-2564
Contact Us

Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.