We believe that it is the responsibility of every gun owner to be as educated and as safe as they can possibly be. This course is designed for anyone with an interest in: firearms, their safe handling, the safe storage of guns, an understanding of Indiana gun laws and enhancing their shooting skills.

The class will consist of a classroom/lecture portion and then a range portion in the same day.

We hope that you enjoy the class and take away something that is going to benefit you, the responsible gun owner.

2025 Class Dates (8am to 4:30 pm)

  • May 8th
  • July 10th
  • September 11th


The purpose of the Columbus Police Department’s Firearms Safety Course is to educate the public on general safety and handling of firearms.

*Upon passing a background check, you may be eligible for acceptance into this course. The Firearms Instructors will have sole discretion for your acceptance to and attendance at this course.

The cost for this course is $25.00 per individual and MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE.

*You DO NOT need a handgun permit to attend this course, but you may not be a prohibited person defined by IC 35-47-2-1.5.

Requirements for this course are listed below:
– Must be 18 years of age and be able to pass a criminal history check.
– Must bring a legal, modern handgun that will pass instructor inspection for safety and reliability. Calibers which will be accepted are: .22, .380acp, .38 special, 357 magnum, 38 super, 9mm parabellum, .40 Smith & Wesson, .45acp. NOTE: Any other calibers must be approved prior to the start of the course)
– Must bring minimum of 100 rounds of NEW manufactured ammunition for your handgun, also subject to inspection by instructor. NO Reloads.
– Must have a BELT holster specifically made for your handgun, and a STURDY belt. No cross draw, ankle or shoulder holsters will be allowed.
– Every person must bring eye and ear protection, to be worn at all times while on the range.
– The rules of the classroom and range will be strictly enforced. Any violations may result in the student being dismissed from the course.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION regarding this course, contact Sgt. Tom Foust at (812)376-2642 or tfoust@columbus.in.gov.


(812) 379-1689

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(812) 376-2600

Records Division
123 Washington Street
Columbus, IN 47201
(812) 376-2653
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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