2024 Class Dates

April 17th, 24th and May 1st (6-8 p.m.)

Sept. 4th, 11th, and 18th (6-8 p.m.)

The class will be held at the Evolution Training Center located at 2670 Verhulst Street (East of Middle Road) near the Columbus Municipal Airport.

Attire for attendees is gym style clothing and NO jewelry.

The session will start with a basic self defense and awareness PowerPoint followed by some Self Defense basics.

Each week, we will progress through striking, kicking, some basic escapes and human targeting.

Questions? Contact Detective Owens at: aowens@columbus.in.gov

Self Defense Waiver Form (PDF) – print and submit or bring to first class.

Your registration will not generate an automatic email, but you will receive more information from the instructor before the course starts.


(812) 379-1689

Front Desk
(812) 376-2600

Records Division
123 Washington Street
Columbus, IN 47201
(812) 376-2653
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Contact Us
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