The most expedient way is to report it directly to the provider.
You must provide a street address closest to the light that is out.
Other details are also helpful, NW corner of ABC Street and 123 Court
Pole #, for REMC only
DUKE Streetlights
Instructions: Enter the address of the light on Duke’s website.
REMC Streetlights
REMC Office 812-372-2546; Open Mon. – Fri. 7:30am – 4:30pm
REMC After Hours 1-800-927-5672
Public Works
Contact Us
Columbus Recycles
(812) 376-2509
City Sanitation
(812) 376-2509
City Street
(812) 376-2508
City Traffic
(812) 376-2518
Bartholomew County Recycling Center
(812) 376-2614
Bartholomew County Landfill
(812) 342-2756
Bartholomew County Highway Dept.
(812) 379-1660
Mosquito Issues
(812) 379-1550
Abandoned Houses
(812) 376-2593