About CAMPO Plans & Program Documents

CAMPO’s primary purpose is the local coordination and distribution of federal transportation funds. To be eligible for these funds, CAMPO must prepare, adopt, and maintain (1) a Metropolitan Transportation Plan (otherwise known as the MTP or the long-range plan) that establishes an understanding of long-term transportation needs, (2) a Transportation Improvement Program (the TIP) that provides a short-term list of projects and their funding sources, and (3) a 2-year Unified Planning Work Program (the UPWP) describing how local transportation needs are continuously evaluated.  This page describes the current Unified Planning Work Program, see the menu to the right for links to the other documents.

2023-2024 Unified Planning Work Program

CAMPO is required to develop a two-year Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), a plan of action for MPO, which includes a budget for each year, and describes all anticipated CAMPO activities over the period.  While covering a two-year period, the UPWP is updated annually to reflect any changed priorities and/or funding. The second year of the 2023-2024 UPWP was approved by the CAMPO Policy Board on November 13, 2023 and took effect January 1, 2024. The UPWP was amended by the Policy Board on August 12, 2024 to add unspent 2023 funds into the 2024 budget.

2023-2024 Unified Planning Work Program (Current)

DRAFT 2025-2026 Unified Planning Work Program going to October 23rd Policy Board Meeting for consideration.