About CAMPO Plans & Program Documents

CAMPO’s primary purpose is the local coordination and distribution of federal transportation funds. To be eligible for these funds, CAMPO must prepare, adopt, and maintain (1) a Metropolitan Transportation Plan (otherwise known as the MTP or the long-range plan) that establishes an understanding of long-term transportation needs, (2) a Transportation Improvement Program (the TIP) that provides a short-term list of projects and their funding sources, and (3) a 2-year Unified Planning Work Program (the UPWP) describing how local transportation needs are continuously evaluated.  This page describes the current Transportation Improvement Program, see the menu to the right for links to the other documents.

2024-2028 Transportation Improvement Program

The CAMPO Policy Board approved the five-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) on May 8, 2023. This plan contains information on transportation facilities in Bartholomew County for state fiscal years 2024-2028. The TIP includes local projects sponsored by the City of Columbus and Bartholomew County, as well as INDOT projects for state and federal roads in the county. Updated every two years, the 5-year Transportation Improvement Program documents specific local transportation projects and their funding.  The TIP time frame follows the Indiana state fiscal year, which begins on July 1.  The projects listed in the first four years are programmed and funded.  The fifth year projects are considered illustrative and are expected to be programmed and funded in the next TIP update.

The TIP lists all local transportation projects that use federal transportation dollars as well as transportation projects of regional significance, regardless of funding source. Projects undertaken by Columbus and/or Bartholomew County, as well as INDOT projects in the CAMPO area are included to ensure coordination among agencies. The TIP is frequently updated and revised by the CAMPO Policy Board to reflect project progress, updated cost information, and the availability of funding. The TIP serves several specific purposes, including (1) the implementation of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, (2) providing transportation project information to the public, (3) establishing a clear, coordinated schedule for transportation projects and their funding, and (4) providing an overview of project costs.

The 2024-2028 TIP was approved by the CAMPO Policy Board on May 8, 2023, and became effective on July 1, 2023.

2024-2028 Transportation Improvement Program Open House Presentation

2024-2028 Transportation Improvement Program –  Complete Document  (Original Adopted May 8, 2023)

2024-2028 Transportation Improvement Program – Project List  (Current 8.28.2024)

TIP Amendments